How does mediation work?

Mediation starts with an initial mediation meeting (Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting) which you attend separately. This is our opportunity to assess whether mediation is right for you, and your opportunity to ask any questions you may have. This MIAM is valid for four months only.

  • Mediation sessions last from 1 to 2 hours depending on the complexity of the case, although longer sessions can be organised if required.
  • If you need to resolve financial issues the mediator can provide you with the necessary forms to complete. You will be required to fully disclose your finances to each other. Once completed the mediator will draw up a joint open financial statement in summary.
  • The mediator will give you information about the divorce and separation process but will not give you legal advice. You will be encouraged to have advice from separate solicitors on your proposed agreement before it is finalised.
  • Simply Mediation understands the importance of knowledge and can signpost you to reputable local professionals who may be able to offer assistance in specialist areas such as pensions, tax and independent financial advice.
  • If you reach an agreement it will be drafted by the mediator as a ‘Memorandum of Understanding’. This document is not legally binding, but it can be turned into a legally binding court order.

Click to view a pdf outlining the Mediation procedure.

What will our mediator do?

Mediators use a range of skills to help people plan for the future:

  • Listening to ensure your points are really heard and understood
  • Summarising understanding
  • Naming and articulating issues in such a way that they can be discussing
  • ‘Reframing’ – helping people use words that will encourage listening and discussion
  • Using questions to help people identify priorities and needs
  • Being impartial, not taking sides and encouraging self-determination
  • Managing the agenda in a timely way
  • Ensuring access to necessary information
  • Helping people spell out arrangements to check they will work

These skills are designed to help you decide for yourself what is best in all the circumstances.

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